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Jack Murray

Tools/Systems Developer

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My first job as a game developer, I've learned so much about my time at Branch! As a junior developer, I've been working on their game, Castaways. I've had a variety of roles, from implementing AI behaviors, to backend and networking logic, to UI.


I've had an absolute blast working at Branch - I've learned a lot during my time here, and loved working with the entire team. I strengthened my skills not only in the Unity engine and C#, but also in cloud services such as AWS, in HLSL shader programming, and in networking.


Castaways is free to play, feel free to check it out below!

Unity Developer - Castaways

October 2023 - Present


March - July 2023

Trailer by Andrei Hadley

On my first fully released title, my primary role was multiplayer networking, character customization, and core game logic. With a team of 12 other people, I saw this project from inception to release, and learned a lot from it.


This was my first time delving into networking, and ignited my interest and passion for it. I look forward to future opportunities to work on networked projects.


Feel free to check out Kettle Grove: Critter Crafters on the Itch page below!

A while back, I got interested in procedural generation. It's a fascinating subject, and I love how many different methods there are to procedurally generate a world, and how each algorithm produces a totally unique-feeling design.


Here is my journey into one algorithm I particularly enjoy, Wave Function Collapse. This is an ongoing project; when it's done, you'll simply be able to attach your spritemap and a sample image to train the data, and voila! Completely unique generated worlds.


You can check out the Github for the project below. It's still a work in progress.

March 2022 - Present

Wave Function Collapse

Showing generated map using the Wave Function Collapse algorithm.

Jingle Ball

December 2022

Snow shader making tracks as player moves through

During this game jam, I tried my hand at some shaders, specifically a snow shader that tracks your path as you move through the snow. In addition, I was also responsible for the audio and core gameplay.


Feel free to check out the Itch for the game and give the game a try - and if you do, good luck!

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